Sunday 30 June 2013

Storing the crockery

 Another of the slight design faults in our Pegasus GT65 Genoa is the crockery storage.  If you look back at the layout diagram in the first entry on this blog, you can see that the kitchen sink sticks out into the van (the gas locker is behind it).  The plate and mug racks are in the locker above this point, and are very difficult to reach if you are not very tall (I am 5'7"½, wife even shorter).
There was a nice wide upper shelf in one of the other kitchen cupboards that we had not found a use for, so I looked round for ways we could store our (melamine) crockery on it.  A useful idea came from this Australian website, though I haven't the skills or facilities to work in plastic like he does.
I turned once again to my trusty pack of Correx board, and cut a piece to fit the shelf exactly.  I then marked on it the positions of the large plates, small plates and cereal bowls.  I made little stand-ups to go behind the smaller items and cut 6 four-inch lengths of dowel, which are just screwed to the Correx from below with 5/8" woodscrews.
It looks OK, and it seems to work, but only time will tell if it is the answer.

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